Plan miasta Waard

Waard - Najnowsze wiadomości:

#mLearn2010 Sustainable, scalable and affordable mobile learning ...

Results: MoMaths is used most of the time during vacations, early morning and late evening, and weekends. They can practice as much as they like, 9700 additional exercises for grade 10 mathematics, and these exercises are randomized. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

global9-news: Persbericht: Samenwerking alerte burgers, Arriva en ...

Persbericht: Samenwerking alerte burgers, Arriva en politie leidt tot drie aanhoudingen na urenlange zoekactie | Hoeksche Waard. Oud-Alblas/Alblasserdam, 14-04-2011. In de afgelopen nacht en in de vroege morgen van donderdag 14 april ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Mobile phone

de Waard, D., Schepers, P., Ormel, W. and Brookhuis, K., 2010, Mobile phone use while cycling: Incidence and effects on behaviour and safety, Ergonomics, Vol 53, No. 1, January 2010, pp 30 ? 42. ^ ?VoIP Support in Nokia Devices?. ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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